November 2021
Foundations of Accessibility for Digital Materials
With Ontario’s commitment to be a fully accessible province by 2025 through the implementation of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), knowing how to…
Find out more »PowerPoint Make-Over: Applying Content Design Principles to Your Learning Content
This session will provide an overview of key design principles that will improve the learnability of your content. Focus will be on reviewing a few important learning principles, elements of design, and techniques for writing in a digital age. Participants will have the change to make-over a few PowerPoint slides according to these design principles. We will also explore how to design and re-purpose your PowerPoint learning content as both presentations and learning notes.
Find out more »April 2021
Le storytelling en formation à distance (French)
Les meilleures pratiques en matière de «storytelling » seront présentées, ainsi que les technologies disponibles et les moyens de donner vie à vos histoires pour capter…
Find out more »Storytelling in distance education
Best practices in storytelling will be presented along with the technologies available and ways in which to bring these stories to life. Examples of how we…
Find out more »March 2021
H5P: Add interactivity to your course
H5P is a web plugin that enables you to easily create, share and reuse interactive learning objects like interactive videos, drag-and-drop, fill in the blanks, flashcards,…
Find out more »Active Partnership with Students in Creation of Open Assessment: Exploring Future Possibilities
Open Assessment? The disruption in education due to the Covid-19 pandemic may give us an opportunity to rethink our priorities and to create more accessible and…
Find out more »Escape the Ordinary Classroom
Participants in this session will participate in an online “escape room” activity designed to teach the six essential employability skills (EESs). Presenter(s) Angela Lyrette, Algonquin College Presentation…
Find out more »Remote Teaching with the Brain in Mind
What does brain science have to say about managing the learning context of remote teaching? Discover considerations and practices that we can adopt to optimize learning.…
Find out more »December 2020
Liquid Syllabus: The First Step to Making a Connection and Reducing Student Anxiety
“Online students often feel isolated, which may decrease motivation and increase attrition. When learning occurs entirely through computer-mediated instruction, an important part of the instructor's role…
Find out more »November 2020
Educational video games design: Choose your own adventure games
In this webinar you will learn the basics to design choose your own adventure games. After this seminar, you will have a draft of a game…
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